Bellflower Fire Protection District

If you are experiencing an emergency, call 9-1-1.

Non-emergency calls 309-888-5030.

Fire protection within the Village of Bellflower is provided by the Bellflower Fire Protection District (BFPD).  Emergency First Responder (EFR) services became available in 2017 when a group of BFPD firefighters completed the training required for individual certification as an EFR.  One EFR completed additional training in 2019 to become an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).  When a resident dials 9-1-1 to report a medical emergency, the EFRs/EMT will be dispatched to provide medical services until an ambulance arrives.

BFPD's fleet of firefighting equipment includes a pumper, tanker, pumper/brush truck, and a rescue pumper which is also used for emergency medical calls.  The vehicles and other equipment are housed at the fire station located at 207 N Latcha Street.  The BFPD Administration Building, located at 205 E Center St (State Highway 54), provides space for trustee meetings and firefighter/first responder training.

Financial support for the fire district primarily comes from property taxes levied by the fire district.

Trustee meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the administration building.  Meetings are open to the public.  An agenda is posted at least 48 hours in advance at the administration building and the fire station.

Trustees are appointed by the McLean County Board.  The Fire Chief is annually voted on by the firefighters and confirmed by the trustees.

Contact Info

Bellflower Fire Protection District
PO Box 221
Bellflower, IL 61724-0221

Dracy Pendleton
Term expires 4/30/2025

Randy Zimmerman
Term expires 4/30/2027

Mark Howland
Term expires 4/30/2026

Shane Zimmerman
Fire Chief
