Chapter 21 of the Bellflower Municipal Code defines zoning requirements within the Village of Bellflower. The regulations were adopted to promote and protect public health, safety, comfort, property, and general welfare of village residents.
The village is comprised of six zoning districts:
- Residential District
- Park District
- Central Commercial District
- General Commercial District
- Industrial District
- Agriculture District
A map which defines the current zoning districts is shown at the bottom of this page.
Information about how properties located within each district can be used, as well as limits on building size and setbacks, parking requirements, functional use of properties, definition of nuisances, and penalties for non-compliance can be found in the zoning code.
Requests for reclassification of a parcel's zoning must be directed to the village president. The request will then be referred to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA). The ZBA will conduct a public hearing and provide the village board with a recommendation to either accept or deny the request. The village board will review the recommendation and make a final decision to either approve or deny the request.
Contact Info
Allen Grussing
Village President
![Zoning Map](/images/images_mi/mi_494_Zoning_Map_1352902479_4691.jpg)
Zoning Map