Bellflower Township High School Memorial
At the annual Bellflower Township High School (BTHS) All-School Reunion in 2019, Alumni President Allen Grussing suggested a project to design and install a BTHS memorial. Just as the signs in the country around Bellflower Township mark the former location of the country schools, Allen felt that a marker was needed to identify where the high school had once been located. The members present at the reunion agreed and gave the approval to move forward. Allen created an initial design and worked with Adams Memorials in Champaign to create the BTHS Memorial.
Many old photographs of BTHS were gathered from yearbooks and former students. Those were provided to the artist who used them to create a composite line drawing of the school. That drawing was later used to etch the picture into the stone. The text on the front of the stone provides the dates that the school was located at this site and dedicates it to the former students, faculty, and staff. Key historic facts about BTHS were identified and listed on the back of the memorial.
The memorial was installed on May 21, 2021. Funding for the memorial was made possible primarily by individual donations from four very generous BTHS alumni, with the remaining balance donated by the BTHS Alumni Association.
BTHS Memorial
305 W Melvin St
Bellflower, IL 61724