Profit and Loss Reports
A profit and loss statement (P&L) is a financial report that provides a summary of the village’s revenues, expenditures, and resulting profits/losses over a given period.
The Village of Bellflower produces P&L reports for review by the trustees at monthly board meetings. The reports are separated into General Fund, Motor Fuel Tax Fund, and Water Fund. Each report presents the actual income and expenses incurred, detailed by general ledger account, from the beginning of the fiscal year (May 1) to the meeting date, along with the annual budgeted amount for that account.
Beginning with fiscal year 2021-2022, the P&L reports were consolidated into the three major village funds: General Fund (including Community Center, Events, and Library), Motor Fuel Tax Fund, and Water Fund.
For the current fiscal year, the P&L shown represents the most recent report approved at the last village board meeting. For prior fiscal years, the P&L shown is stated as of the close of the fiscal year.
To review a report, click on the appropriate link shown below.